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Lindy Hop - Solo Jazz

Join my online courses and you won't stop dancing

I hope you dance

With my online classes you will be able to improve, practice, advance and won't stop dancing.

What's your level? From beginner to advanced, find the classes that best suit your level to keep growing.

The best way to access all the content whenever you want.

Access all courses as long as you are subscribed.

Classes are classified by content and level, so you can organise your learning.

7 COURSES FOR FOLLOWERS, with resources that you will not find anywhere else.

  • Fundamentals for Followers
  • Swing Out Variations
  • Savoy Swing Out
  • Footwork for Breaks
  • Promenade or Switch
  • Slides
  • Followers


24 hours of SOLO JAZZ.


FOOTWORK FOR BREAKS: English & Spanish

Beginner | Intermediate
6 Classes

SAVOY SWING OUT: English & Spanish

Intermediate | Advanced
10 Classes

SLIDES: English & Spanish

Intermediate | Advanced
12 Classes

FOLLOWERS: English & Spanish

Intermediate | Advanced
24 Classes

SOLO JAZZ: English & Spanish

Beginner | Intermediate
24 Classes


  • Unlimited access to all my classes
    • 7 courses for followers
    • 1 huge course about Solo Jazz
  • Music playlists for each class block
  • Continuous support

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6-month plan

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Billed every 6 months (€123)


Annual plan

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Billed annually (€228)

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About Roser

Roser is an international Swing dance teacher, specialising in Solo Jazz, Lindy Hop and aerials. She has taught at the most prominent festivals in Europe and in countries such as Japan, Taiwan and Canada. At the same time, she feels very linked to the dance community of Barcelona and its surroundings.

Before becoming a professional dancer, she worked as a primary education teacher for many years. She has always had a great interest in didactics and pedagogy. Her classes have excellent pedagogical quality.

Roser Ros Dancing cutout with raised arms


Mahsa Johnson
Mahsa Johnson
Pisa (Italy)
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I'm so happy I could finally meet a teacher like Roser. Especially now, in these troubled times, I must admit that I was feeling a little bit lost: I needed to settle up, urgently, a new routine in my life in order to manage a period of overwhelming feelings. Dance - well… Swing! - seemed the most challenging response and a medium for finding new energy and strength. Roser is a patient and very positive teacher, she is able to interact in a very effective way, she is always providing feedbacks and hints for perfecting our moves. Yes, it's still an on-line course, but Roser managed to create a cozy, safe and warm learning environment. An environment that allowed me to learn - in very few weeks - a new language and new words for expressing my feelings and my personality. We all want to be understood, and we all want to know the perfect words for describing our feelings ... If you feel that you need them, well .. Welcome to Roser's classroom!
Antoni Camps
Antoni Camps
Barcelona, Spain)
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I had never thought that dancing online and delayed I could like so much. Roser conveys his enthusiasm for dancing and I really enjoy it. I don't skip a class! In addition, it teaches so well, with content of different difficulty in each class, progressed brilliantly, that I have made a huge evolution in a few months.
Maria Beltran
Maria Beltran
Madrid Spain)
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Roser is super didactic, she dances to death, the choreographies are fun and cool, and you can make a lot of progress with a little practice. With the time that I have been with his classes, I feel that I have improved in the steps, I coordinate my arms more and better and every day I enjoy it more (you just have to see my face while I dance). It gives me great joy and well-being to dance with her, and even more so now that there is no social dance or much possibility of dancing outside the home.
Maria Gomez
Maria Gomez
Valencia Spain)
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I have done all of your Zoom Followers courses. I love classes and have always found them very useful. Roser teaches concepts that are not normally received in regular pair classes. I have greatly improved the musicality and the control of my movements. Before I just got carried away but was not aware of the movements as I am now. Also, the variations he shares are great! I really appreciate the dedication you put into your classes! They are always top! 🤩 I'm always looking forward to next Thursday to take a new class.
Barbara orlandi
Barbara orlandi
Paris (France)
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Thanks to Roser I've finally found classes where I can gradually improve on my follower's skill. I couldn't imagine there was so much I could work on at a distance and without a partner. The material covers from basics to more amazing moves. I discovered that I also have 2 arms in addition to 2 feet 😉 and some ideas about what to do with them. Roser's ability to share and convey her knowledge is remarkable. What worked best for me was to work gradually through the material in my own time, mostly only 15mns a day. Thanks a lot to Roser for this!
Jay so
Jay so
San Francisco (USA)
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I have taken several months of Roser's online Zoom classes for followers. It's not always easy to learn alone as a follower, but she manages to explain everything while keeping the class fun. It's clear she puts a lot of effort into planning the classes. She teaches interesting and new material, and I like that she teaches the technique of the moves, how to incorporate them into social dance, and also musicality. This will be so useful when we can social dance again! Plus, she gives the option to receive feedback if you record yourself. I'm happy I found these classes to improve my dancing and would recommend them to any followers looking to improve their technique or expand their vocabulary 👍👍👍
Marcela Nunez
Marcela Nunez
Santiago de Chile (Chile)
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I have taken Roser's classes through Zoom and found them to be great. I love them! I feel that she is a very good teacher, very didactic. You can see that he plans his classes very well and perfectly controls the time that the students need to assimilate the learning. The number of repetitions of the exercises is very precise. I really appreciate this opportunity to be able to access your teaching from a distance through Zoom.

Dare to dance with me. Enter and get to know my courses!

promenade or switch roser ros swing dance home.jpg
Oferta para nuev@s alumn@s




Gift yourself the joy of dancing with me.